Mr. Webb founded Primus Valuations® nearly 30 years ago, to provide valuation services for clients and valuation professionals. Primus has wide-ranging interdisciplinary valuation capability directly, and, through its affiliation with American Business Appraisers and other contributors, an increasingly wide-ranging geographic and disciplinary capacity.
Primus Valuations® is a leading multidisciplinary valuation company, and the dominant firm with respect to valuation technology used for fractional interests in real estate. Our experience with business valuation, partnership syndication and real estate appraisal has led us to develop our uniquely integrated valuation approaches for the many ways real property is held by individuals, families and businesses.
Property companies have everything to do with real estate. They include development and management businesses, asset-holding companies and partnerships, and direct ownership (common tenancy) interests. When real property and other fixed and financial assets are integral to the purpose of the enterprise, our original and comprehensive valuation and consulting work is second to none.
Primus serves clients with business and property interests nationwide, from its offices in Los Angeles and Denver. Our practice emphasis is on property-related businesses as well as many types of manufacturing, construction, service and other midsize companies. Our resources include contributing American Business Appraisers members and real estate appraisers throughout the country. Our flexibility in engaging and working with other appraisers means that our national coverage can effectively exceed that of valuation and accounting firms that have many regional offices.

Primus Affiliates

American Business Appraisers is a nationwide network of credentialed business valuation appraisers. ABA members provide business appraisal and consulting services in taxation, litigation, transaction, and regulatory compliance matters.
Members of the American Business Appraisers National Network©
KC Conrad, ASA, CMEA, BCA (AZ)
Marsha Conrad, BCA, CMEA, CSBA (AZ)
Tracey Eaves, MBA, CBA, CVA, CMEA, BCA, SBA (NM)
Robert Laversin, CPA/ABV, CBA, ASA (No CA)
Bryan K. DesMarteau, JD, CBA, ASA (CO)
Mark A. Dayman, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA (GA)
Kathleen M. Slitter, CPA/ABV, CVA, ABAR (NC)
Barry A. Baker, CFA, ASA (NC)
Anne S. Pagano, CPA/ABV, CVA (NC)
Geoff Grisham, ASA, CVA (NC)
Becky O’Daniell, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFE (NC)
R. Victor Haas, Jr., ASA, CPA (PA)
Brian Wendler, CPA/ABV, ASA, CM&AA (TX)
Robert J. Strachota, MCBA, MAI, CRE (MN)
Brandi L. Ruffalo, MBA, AVA, CBA (IL)
Sherry Smith, CBA, BVAL, MBA (SC)
Roland Davis BCA, M&AMI, CMEA (VA)
Lisa Swanson CPA/ABV, CVA (FL)
Deidre Y. Russell, CFA, JD, CBA (AL)

Designation Key
BVAL: Business Valuator Accredited for Litigation — Institute of Business Appraisers
CBA: Certified Business Appraiser — Institute of Business Appraisers
CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst — CFA Institute
CFE: Certified Fraud Examiner — Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
CFFA: Certified Forensic Financial Analyst — National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
CM&AA: Certified Merger & Acquisition Advisor — Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors
CMEA: Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraiser — NEBB Institute
CPA: Certified Public Accountant
CVA: Certified Valuation Analyst — National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts
FRICS: Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
JD: Juris Doctor
MAI: MAI Member, Appraisal Institute